
Over the course of one week, students will attend a variety of classes that highlight different vocal styles and genres—solo and group technique, chamber music, choral ensemble, musical theater, and collegiate-style a cappella. Music classes are interspersed with enrichment classes and recreational activities, providing vocal rest and social opportunities for students. Our day concludes with a different evening activity each night.

The SING! program is for students in grades 7-12. As part of SING!, students will not only experience a truly magical, musical week, but also gain increased vocal confidence and musical skills, all while making a great group of new friends. 


SING! is led by distinguished faculty members who teach every class. In addition, college-aged counselors provide supervision throughout the day (and in residential dorms). Learn more about our faculty and staff here.


Three options are available to SING! students and their families. As part of the residential program (Package A), students stay overnight in an on-campus dormitory. For students who prefer to commute, arrival is at 8:45 am, and departure is either at 9:00 pm, when the full day concludes (Package B), or at 5:45 pm, before dinner and evening activities (Package C). All students eat meals in the campus dining hall.

Questions? Email us at



  • Package A: Residential. Includes housing, all meals, and evening activities. Recommended for grades 7-12, open to grades 5-6.

  • Package B: Days & Evenings. Includes all meals and evening activities. Students choosing this option will depart at 9:00pm. Recommended for grades 7-12, open to grades 5-6.

  • Package C: Days only. Includes lunch. Students choosing this option will depart at 5:45pm, before dinner and evening activities. Recommended for grades 2-6, open to grades 7-12.

  • Jr. Package: Days only. Includes lunch. Students choosing this option will depart at 3:30pm. Recommended for grades 2-4, open to grades 5-6.

8:45 a.m.        Arrive
9:00 a.m.        Warm-up
9:15 a.m.        Musical Theater
10:15 a.m.     Musicianship
11:00 a.m.     Voice Lessons
12:00 p.m.     Lunch
1:00 p.m.        Combined Musical Theater (with SING! Jr.)
1:15 p.m.        A cappella
2:00 p.m.        Recreational time
3:30 p.m.        Choir
5:00 p.m.        Movement
5:45 p.m.        Dinner
7:00 p.m.        Evening Activities
9:00 p.m.        Day students depart
10:00 p.m.     Curfew

Day at a glance